Selfpub 6th year

Gallery of Art

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About me!

Thank you for taking time to look at my book covers.   I am continually amazed at how much fun it is to imagine and create pictures for what you, the author, are writing about!  

Based on recent comments, I am hearing that there is a need for more ethnic couples, attractive older people, and more unusual topics.  I am working hard to accommodate those requests!  Please be sure to keep checking to see if there's something in my Gallery of Art that you didn't notice before.  I try to post at least one new book cover every day, and some days, the ideas just flow and I get several up!

As I am sure you already know, these covers are one of a kind.  I use a combination of stock and purchased images, plus a healthy sprinkle of my own personal photographs that I have "dressed up" for your use. I find it so much fun to take pretty pictures and see how I can make them work for you in your books.

Although I came to art later in life (I'm a retired CPA), the fun is never-ending!
