Selfpub 6th year


Young Adult, Literary Fiction, No person, no people, Pet, pets, domestic, domesticated, animal, animals, Dog, dogs, canine, canines, small dog, small dogs, little dog, lap dog, cute dog, yellow, yellow background, day, daytime, daylight, fur, furry, terrier, terriers, boston terrier, boston terriers, black and white dog, pattern, patterns, patterned, chic, chic lit, chic literature, women's lit, women's literature, girly, cute, sweet, fun, funny, lighthearted, humor, humorous, comedies, comedy, puppy, puppies, old fashioned, vintage, retro, belt, polkadot, polkadots, polka dot, polka dots, red, red and white, dot, dots, dot pattern, red and white pattern, kid’s story, young adult, YAF, YA, children’s book, new pet, new pets
Rating: Not Rated Yet
Sales price: $92.99


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